International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Using Cross Spirals in Confining High Strength Concrete Columns for More Seismic Resiliency: A Review

Author(s): Ahmed Ibrahim, Sabreena Nasrin, and Riyadh Hindi

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 341


Appears on pages(s): 226-239

Keywords: Cross spiral, Reinforced Concrete, Ultra-High Strength Concrete, Seismic, Resilient

DOI: 10.14359/51727032

Date: 6/30/2020


The spiral reinforcement is a special detailing technique used for reinforcing columns in regions of high seismic activities because of its ability in energy absorption and ductility. In this paper, the results of the experimental testing on cross spiral confinement in reinforced concrete columns are presented. The experimental results were verified by nonlinear finite element analysis as well as an analytical model. The developed analytical model was based on the octahedral stress criterion and compared with other models available in the literature. In the Finite element model, the concrete damage plasticity and steel yielding criterion were used in the constitutive equations. The finite element showed very good prediction of the ultimate load and failure strain for various spiral reinforcement ratios. Analytical stress-strain models have been developed and compared to the experiment results in the literature and found work well in predicting the columns behavior under monotonic axial loads. The authors see that the proposed technique is a very good potential of industry implementation and provides a more seismic resiliency to structures.

Such detailing technique could be used as a mitigation system for columns in high seismic zones.



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