Load Testing After Strengthening of a Pre-stressed Double Tee Beam that had Failed in Shear
Nestore Galati
Web Session
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This presentation discusses the results of a load test performed on one double tee (DT) beam located at the roof level of a parking garage in Virginia. The roof floor framing consists of precast, pre-stressed, concrete double tee (DT) beams supported by precast concrete girders and precast columns. Following a heavy snow storm, a landscape contractor had piled up all the snow on the roof on two DT beams which were exhibiting signs of imminent shear failure. The strengthening of the beams consisted in restoring the shear integrity of the beams and strengthening them with externally bonded FRP. A load test was performed approximately a week after the installation of the FRP strengthening. The load test was performed following the procedure in ACI 437.2-13 “Code Requirements for Load Testing of Existing Concrete Structures and Commentary”, using the monotonic test protocol (ACI 437.2-13 Section 5.3). The load test was performed using hydraulic jacks placed in a configuration to simulate the full design shear and moment at the critical section. Since the beams were located on the roof the structure was monitored 24 hours prior testing to discount the effects of the temperature on the load testing.