International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: SP-339-02: Revitalizing a Community Space Using Performance-Based Seismic Design

Author(s): Saeed Fathali, Bret Lizundia, and Francisco Parisi

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 339


Appears on pages(s): 22-35

Keywords: performance-based seismic design, acceptance criteria, fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP), hazard level, nonlinear response history analyses (NLRHA), reinforced concrete, seismic design, seismic evaluation

DOI: 10.14359/51724690

Date: 3/1/2020

This paper summarizes the benefits and challenges of implementing performance-based seismic design (PBSD) for two concrete buildings of the Lower Sproul Plaza Redevelopment Project in one of the busiest areas of the UC Berkeley campus. The project included new construction of Eshleman Hall and the additions to Martin Luther King (MLK) Hall, and the seismic retrofit of the existing MLK Student Union as a result of the expansion. The peer-reviewed PBSD implemented three-dimensional nonlinear response history analyses at two levels of seismic hazard. The analytical simulations using pairs of near-fault ground motions, scaled to match the site-specific spectrum, were intended to establish the expected seismic behavior of the buildings under rare and frequent earthquakes. The choice of PBSD over code-prescriptive procedures was prompted by multiple layers of complexity of the project. Several challenges including those related to the horizontal and vertical irregularities, or connecting new and existing concrete buildings with different lateral force-resisting systems would have made a code-prescriptive design a cumbersome analytical endeavor without providing reliable insight about the expected seismic behavior of the buildings. The PBSD, however, proved a powerful framework to design for a reliably predictable seismic behavior with sufficient ductility, and a designated ductile hinge zones with sufficient confinement and shear capacity. The PBSD methodology also enabled the designers to avoid unnecessary conservatism to deal with the complexities, when designing drift- and acceleration-sensitive elements including the cladding system. Finally, the PBSD methodology allowed the design to consider all potential modes of failure of concrete elements retrofitted by FRP material including the debonding failure between FRP material and substrate.



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.