International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Shear Strength Prediction for Separate Catagories of Simple Beam Tests

Author(s): Theodore Zsutty

Publication: Commentary Reference



Appears on pages(s): 138-143

Keywords: beams (supports);loads (forces);regression analysis;reinforced concrete; stirrups;structural design;supports;web reinforcement.


Date: 2/1/1971

The ultimate shear strength of simple rectangular beams under concentrated load is not only a function of thecommondesign properties of fc', p, slenderness a/d, and web reinforcement rfyw, but also is strongly influenced by the beam support conditions. The accurate prediction of test beam strength must be necessary to consider all of these factors. In this paper, available beam test data are seperated into the ditinct catagories of different strength behavior, and simple empiracal equations are derived for each category. Beginning with a previously developed equation for slender (a/d 2.5) beam shear strength, equations are developed for short (a/d 2.5) indirect or side bracket loaded beams with or without vertical stirrups and short direct, top and bottom plate loaded beams with or without vertical stirrups. Good engineering prediction results with these equations, and definite amount of dowel action is detectable in beams, with vertical stirrups, having two layers of longitudinal reinforcement.



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