International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Leveraging 3-D Laser Scanning for Concrete Analysis


Publication: Web Session

Volume: ws_2018_LaserScanningBasics_Lorenzo.pdf


Appears on pages(s):

Keywords: Philip G. Lozenzo


Date: 7/23/2018

This session brings together important and influential information with respect to concrete construction in honoring Ward R. Malisch, Honorary Member of ACI. Contractors and engineers interested in the application of ACI documents to construction projects and in evaluating construction information with respect to constructability. Part 1 includes furthering knowledge of interesting common construction activities including: estimating effects of humidity, temperature an wind on curing slabs by estimating evaporation rates using ‘sophisticated’ the Menzel/NRMCA Nomograph approach; learning methods to accept concrete delivery times of 90 minutes or more in certain applications; understanding best location of vapor retarders below slabs-on-ground to minimize moisture penetration negatively affecting moisture sensitive floor coverings; real effect of placing water that is 20 F colder than concrete curing water on freshly placed slabs-on-ground; identify successful applications for using self-consolidating concrete in high strength concrete applications and use of hydration stabilizing admixtures to deliver and pump concrete in congested urban high rise building projects that far exceeds normal projects.



  • The International Concrete Abstracts Portal is an ACI led collaboration with leading technical organizations from within the international concrete industry and offers the most comprehensive collection of published concrete abstracts.