International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Torre Sacyr-Vallehermoso. Execution of structure

Author(s): Sánchez Fernández, R. ; Rodríguez Ortiz, F. J.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 59

Issue: 249

Appears on pages(s): 153 - 169

Keywords: Climbing formwork, perimeter protection, tower cranes, hoists, composite supports, central core, HA-70, thermocouples, prefabricated rebars, high-rise buildings.


Date: 1/5/2008

Construction of a high-rise building is always a challenge, moreover in Spain where previous examples are not common. These tall buildings are located at small plots but consist of huge foundation mats, highly stressed vertical structures leading to non conventional solutions and a very great floor surface up in height. It is mandatory a careful design of the elevation systems together with logistics to best help the site works. The paper below describes the construction of SyV Tower, remarking the site organization, construction cycle and erection of singular elements, all of which has made possible the completion of the structure (from foundations to roof) in the 26 months scheduled.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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