International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: High Strength and Lightweight Concretes in Eurocode 2

Author(s): Corres Peiretti, H.; Pérez Caldentey, A.; Defant Erimbaue, M.F.; Padilla Lavaselli, P.S.; Moreno Padilla, V.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 54

Issue: 229

Appears on pages(s): 107 - 131



Date: 1/5/2003

In this article the treatment given by Eurocode 2 prEN 1992-1-1 Design of Concrete Structures. General rules and rules for buildings EC2, presently under phase of approval, to high strength and lightweight concretes is presented. EC2, as is well known, deals only with design issues. EC2 is formulated taking into account concrete strengths from 12 to 90 MPa, without a specific distinction between normal strength concrete and high strength concrete. EC2 also has a specific Chapter which deals with lightweight concrete with strengths ranging from 12 to 80 MPa, Chapter 11, which basically provides correction factors to the models used for normal weight concretes. Finally, and whenever, this has been possible, the situation of the Spanish structural concrete Code, EHE, is analyzed, examining the provisions of the main text for normal strength concretes, from 25 to 50 MPa, and Annex 11 for high strength concretes up to 100 MPa.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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