International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Some ideas about incremental launched-bridges previous design: Incremental launching with steel nose

Author(s): Iglesias Pérez, C.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 43

Issue: 182

Appears on pages(s): 111 - 128



Date: 1/1/1992

In this paper some questions about incrementall launched-bridges technique are discussed and two parametric studies for launched bridges with steel nose are performed. The particular case of incremental launched-bridges in non uniform elevation alignement is discussed. The commonly accepted value of 60% of the mean span as length for the steel nose is justified and some simple relationships for previous design involving the main parameters of the problem are proposed. This last by means of a coarse estimation method, as first approximation to the problem, and, in a second step, through two parametric studies for standard brifges (45 and 60m span, 1/16 slenderness) an optimum design based on economic criteria is established.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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