International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: A study of compressive strength of columns of reinforced concrete with high strength concrete

Author(s): Calavera Ruiz, J.; González Valle, E.; Fernández Gómez, J.; González Isabel, G.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 45

Issue: 190

Appears on pages(s): 23 - 36



Date: 1/1/1994

The formulae for calculations of reinforced concrete columns presents notable divergences between rhe little Standards which dealts with. The Spanish Standarization doesn't consider the case. Authors have carried out an experimental investigation by means of laboratory test of nine columns with different concrete strenths. The study has undertaken well the direct test of columns or strength concrete control by means of molded specimens and core specimens. As a result of the investigation carried out, a formulation proposal is done for the case of high strength concretes.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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