International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Wind-tunnel aeroelastic tests of bridges

Author(s): Meseguer Ruiz, J.; Barrero Gil, A.; Alonso, G.

Publication: ACHE

Volume: 61

Issue: 256

Appears on pages(s): 71 - 81

Keywords: Bridges, aeroelasticity, wind loads, vortex street, flutter, wind tunnel tests.


Date: 1/3/2010

Wind tunnel tests of light and flexible structures, as it is the case of most of modern bridges, are a very suitable tool in the design of these structures. Wind tunnel tests are used to measure wind static loads, such as pressure distributions and wind load coefficients, as well as to analyze the aeroelastic behaviour of the bridge by using two-dimensional bridge models elastically mounted on springs. Another interesting application is the study of the impact of wind barriers. In this paper the activities on this topic performed at IDR/UPM in the last years are reported.

ACI International Partner, ACHE Spain, International Partner Access

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