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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Modeling of Textile-Reinforced Concrete with Inclined Textile Orientation

Author(s): Oliver Bruckermann, Josef Hegger, and Alaa G. Sherif

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 104

Issue: 5

Appears on pages(s): 511-519

Keywords: model; stress-strain; textile reinforcement

DOI: 10.14359/18907

Date: 9/1/2007

A macrolevel model for textile-reinforced concrete is presented. The focus of the model lies in the phenomenological representation of the major effects of an inclination of the fabric with respect to the load direction. These effects are the alignment of the textile with the direction of tensile stresses, the increasing tension stiffening due to local lateral pressure, and the damage of the textile at the crack. The overall stress of the composite section comprises three stress components: 1) the concrete stress, which is calculated using a microplane damage model; 2) the tension stiffening stress; and 3) the textile stress. The latter is based on a mesolevel precalculation applying the Two-Subrovings Model. An example of application shows that the model is capable of reproducing experimental data, that is, the stress-strain relationship of uniaxial tensile tests with inclined textile orientation.