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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: The Performance of Fiber Reinforcement in Concretes Exposed at High Temperatures

Author(s): G. Giaccio and R. Zerbino

Publication: Symposium Paper

Volume: 209


Appears on pages(s): 733-756

Keywords: compression; flexure; high performance concrete; high temperature; steel fibers; toughness

DOI: 10.14359/12530

Date: 9/26/2002

The benefits derived from the ability of the fibers to control crack propagation have been recognized for many years. In addition, the development of high-perfurmance concretes has enhanced this situation as the increases in strength lead to a more brittle behavior of the material. The introduction of steel-fiber rein- forcement in these concretes is probably the best way to improve the performance of concrete when higher tenacity is required. This paper shows the contribution of fiber reinforcement in both conventional and high-strength concretes exposed to temperatures up to 500°C. Conuutes with diffemnt types and content of fibers are analyzed, mainly regarding the failure mechanism and tenacity. The post-peak behavior under conpressive and flexural loads is studied using a close loop system. NDT was also used to evaluate the damage. The residual mechanical properties of fiber-reinforced concretes qre affected in a similar way thau those corresponding to plain concrete. Nevertheless, it can be seen that the residual parmeters tend to increase as the strength increases when high carbon-steel fibers bstead of low carbon-steel fibers are used, and when fiber reinforcement is introduced.