International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Plastic Shrinkage Cracking of Normal and High-Strength Concrete: A Comparative Study

Author(s): Tamim A. Samman, Wajahat H. Mirza, and Faisal F. Wafa

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 93

Issue: 1

Appears on pages(s): 36-40

Keywords: concrete panels; concretes; crack propagation; cracking (frac-turing); evaporation; high-strength concretes; mix proportioning; normal strength concretes; plastic shrinkage.

DOI: 10.14359/9794

Date: 1/1/1996

Concrete exposed to hot climatic conditions soon after casting is prone to plastic shrinkage cracking. This cracking is more commonly observed in large surface area concretes like slabs, pavements, and retaining walls. Controlling factors for shrinkage include mix proportions, variations in temperature and relative humidity of the ambient environment, and surface wind. Plastic shrinkage cracking of normal and high-strength concrete panels was investigated in this study. The panels were subjected to varying expo-sure conditions. It was observed that low-strength concrete mixes containing a greater amount of mixing water yielded maximum rates of evaporation; however their cracking behavior was much less severe than that of the high-strength mixes. The plastic shrinkage cracking potential of high-strength concrete containing silica fume was greater under hot weather conditions.


Electronic Materials Journal



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