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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Impact of Mixing Approaches on Properties of Recycled Aggregate Mortar

Author(s): Santha Kumar G., P. K. Saini, and S. R. Karade

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 117

Issue: 6

Appears on pages(s): 201-214

Keywords: fluidity; mixing approaches; recycled aggregate mortar; strength characteristics; superplasticizer

DOI: 10.14359/51728129

Date: 11/1/2020

The present study involves evaluating the characterization of recycled fine aggregates (RFA) and the influence of adopting various mixing approaches both with and without superplasticizer (SP) incorporation on the performance of varying fluidity-based recycled aggregate mortar (RFAM). Three different kinds of mortar fluidity used in this experimental study were 110 ± 2.5, 135 ± 2.5, and 160 ± 2.5 mm, and these behavioral responses during plastic and hardened stages were explored. The experimental results of this investigation show that the mixing process, initial moist condition of RFA, fluidity, and SP content have a significant impact on fresh and hardened performances of RFAM. The feasible solution obtained from this experimental study for improving the performance of RFAM was found to be effective in promoting applications.