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International Concrete Abstracts Portal


Title: Prediction Relations for Compressive Strength of Altered Concrete

Author(s): N. Narayanan and K. Ramamurthy

Publication: Materials Journal

Volume: 97

Issue: 3

Appears on pages(s): 367-373

Keywords: autoclaving; cellular concretes; compressive strength; opti-mization.

DOI: 10.14359/4629

Date: 5/1/2000

The compressive strength and density of aerated concrete are largely influenced by the composition and method of curing. Conventionally, strength is related to density alone, with little attention paid to the composition. This paper discusses the development of prediction rela-tions for compressive strength and density of aerated concrete through statistically designed experiments. A discussion on the behavior is made through the analysis of response surfaces. Optimization of mix-ture proportions has also been carried out. The relative influence of autoclaving as compared with moist curing on compressive strength of aerated concrete is brought out through the autoclaving efficiency fac-tor.