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Showing 191-195 of 211 search results
The American Concrete Institute showcases the contributions and efforts of its global membership and the concrete industry worldwide through its varied honors and awards program.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
The nominee for ACI President in 2021-2022 is Cary S. Kopczynski, CEO and Senior Principal of Cary Kopczynski & Company, Seattle, WA, USA. If elected during membership balloting, he will serve a 1-year term as ACI President that begins at the conclusion of the ACI Concrete Convention Spring 2021 and ends at the conclusion of the ACI Convention Spring 2022
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
ACI Committee 133, Disaster Reconnaissance, was established in 2013 to deploy teams to investigate damage from natural disasters. Critical lessons learned from the information gathered through deployments is reported to ACI’s technical committees and membership. To date, an ACI team has been deployed to investigate damage resulting from five earthquakes, one bridge collapse, and one wildfire. This article provides descriptions of these investigations, including references to reconnaissance reports and collected data.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
Applying ACI 318: Can I use ACI 318 to design slabs-on-ground?
Minimum Reinforcement: What is the minimum reinforcement required for slabs-on-ground?
Hard Troweling and Air Content: Can concrete with a total air content exceeding 3% be hard troweled successfully?
Exposure Conditions: What can be done to protect slabs-on-ground that will be subject to various exposure conditions as defined in ACI 318?
Available in the following language(s): Spanish
The judging panel for the ACI Excellence in Concrete Construction Awards selected winners for 2020 based on architectural and engineering merit, creativity, innovative construction techniques or solutions, innovative use of materials, ingenuity, sustainability and resilience, and functionality. The Kennedy Center Expansion Project in Washington, DC, USA, won the Overall Excellence Award. It was also selected as the first-place winner in the Low-Rise Buildings category.
Available in the following language(s): Spanish