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SDC-09 - SDC Crack Reduction Initiative

Committee Mission: Concrete cracking has been a concern for the industry for as long as it's been used as a construction material. The problems that arise from cracks in concrete are related to durability, possible adverse structural effects, aesthetic concerns and increased costs from maintenance and repair. Methods, strategies, and technologies to control and limit cracking do exist within the industry; the committee is charged with understanding what these are, whether they are implemented as widely as they could be, and, if not, develop some strategies and tactics to increase implementation.

Goals: Initial efforts of the Crack Reduction ATI team were focused solely on securing research funding for a comprehensive approach to reducing volume-change induced cracking of concrete. The research program selected and funded was a practical study entitled, "Reducing Volume Change-Induced Cracking of Concrete: Field Implementation and Evaluation of Crack-Reduction Technologies" headed by Dr. David Darwin, University of Kansas. The ongoing research involves "lab and field evaluations of crack-reduction strategies with emphasis on shrinkage reducing admixtures, fibers, internal curing of concrete, and alternate binders, along with careful application of construction techniques designed to minimize cracking... The evaluations will involve the incorporation of these technologies in full-scale construction projects, including bridge decks, parking structures, and industrial floors." Future goals of the ATI Team are to expand their vision to explore ways to overcome other obstacles that may be preventing implementation of other crack control methods and strategies. If you are interested in contributing your efforts to this endeavor, please contact